
Montag, 22. Juni 2009

Rebirth my Blog

For long time i don´t wrote anything or show Layouts... it were been a hard Time for me and my Family, my daughter Lylli was so sick and I was 3 month in hosptial with her.

She get an PEG because of her short bowel syndrome ( Kurzdarmsyndrom), she don´t eat enough do get thicker, always stay by 10 Kilos, now it getting better with that PEG. Lylli weight 11,4 kilo now.
Monthly we have to drive to Kiel Uniklinik do Controll Lyllis bowel, weight and height.

Its a busy time for us all.

But now i have to tell you some wonderful news about my scrap- life gg*

I´am in Majulas Creative Team jipieh, I´am so happy about it, i love her kits so many time ago.

Now i allowed to use her kits for free.
Also Majula opened a wonderful Scrapforum , i love that girls there, everybody shows so wonderful Layout and inspire me.

come and visit us and maybe you stay

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